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Archive 2023



Gale`s View – Boundary Changes

July 3rd 2023


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Gale`s View – May 2023

May 2nd 2023


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Gale`s View – October 2022

October 7th 2022


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Pfizer Job Reductions at Sandwich - Statement November 14th 2023


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December 19th 2023

Good to know that Craig Mackinlay is on the road to recovery.

I spoke to him a couple of days ago and he was in extraordinarily high spirits. He has been through a lot during the last couple of months but due to the amazing work of the NHS, his indomitable will and personal courage and the staunch support of his wife, Kati, and his daughter, Olivia, there is light in the darkness.

Together we have a great deal to fight and work for and I look forward to joining Craig back on the campaign trail as soon as possible in the New year. In the meantime Suzy and I wish him and his family a restful Christmas.​



December 19th 2023

One is not, of course, permitted to speak or vote while in the chair in the House of Commons. I am therefore grateful to those on both sides of the House who were kind enough to place on the record my own support over many years, prior to becoming a Deputy Speaker, for an Animals (Live Export) Bill. This measure, which I presided over this week, will enshrine in law the ban on the export of live animals for slaughter.



December 7th 2023

Manston Home Office Facility

For some weeks rumours surrounding the future of the Manston Barracks Home Office Processing facility have been circulating.

While planned meetings with the Minister for Immigration have been postponed for necessary reasons clear undertakings that there would be no `mission creep` at Manston have been given to me personally by successive Ministers including Robert Jenrick and Suella Braverman speaking on behalf of the Government and I expect that those undertakings will be honoured.

Clearly as circumstances change so the Manston Operation has to evolve but I have, to date, been satisfied that the operation has been satisfactory, unobtrusive and well-run. It is in the interests of the Home Office and local people that that remains the case.

I will be meeting with the Home Secretary in the immediate future and in the meantime believe that speculation would be unwise and irresponsible.



November 14th 2023

There is no substitute for seeing it for yourself. A visit to the Minster Marshes site with farmer James Southorn (pictured) and Quex Farm Estates director Anthony Curwen, whose land is also under threat, has been very revealing. National Grid`s proposal to site a massively intrusive (up to 90 feet high) converter station and yet more hideous pylons immediately adjacent to Thanet`s only inshore SSSI (site of special scientific interest) represents an act of potential environmental vandalism on a massive scale. Which is perhaps why the SSSI was omitted from National Grid`s Scoping Report!

The project is not necessary. There are alternative brownfield sites at Kingsnorth Power Station and at Tilbury. Better still, the Grid should emulate the Netherlands and locate such converter stations as are actually needed offshore.

This land in East Kent produces some of the country`s finest bread-grade wheat and is home to dozens of species of birds, mammals and other wildlife. We owe it to future generations to protect this national asset and to challenge National Grid`s arrogant belief that it can build wherever it likes with impunity: it cannot and it must not.



November 4th 2023

Thank you to all our members of the new Herne Bay and Sandwich (with West Thanet) Conservative Association. Tonight saw our official opening of the new association with the newly elected Chairman Cllr George Kup, Deputy Chairman Political Cllr Daniel Friend and Deputy Chairman Membership Cllr Rachel Carnac bringing representation from across the new constituency. We are looking forward to working with residents in the new Herne Bay and Sandwich (with West Thanet) constituency.



Penny Mordaunt  (Leader of the House)

October 26th 2023

That further to the Orders of 30 January and 23rd February 2023 the Order of 19th December 2022 relating to the appointment of Sir Roger Gale as Deputy Speaker and to exercise the functions of the Chairman of Ways and Means shall continue to have effect up to and including 31 March 2024.


Motion approved 26th October 2023



Press Release October 12th 2023


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Manston set for take-off

September 22nd 2023

Manston set for take-off

I am naturally pleased that after an inordinate amount of delay Manston Airport can now prepare for take off. There is a vast sum of money waiting to be invested in East Kent and I would like to thank all of those, RiverOak, financial backers and the majority of the public who have kept the faith and got us to where we are today. I know that RiverOak intend to commence work as swiftly as practically possible and I look forward to the day when the next chapter of Manston’s proud aviation history will commence.



September 21st 2023

As one with five grandchildren and who cares passionately about the environment that they grow up in I am wholly committed to the Net Zero targets agreed internationally.

I do not, however, subscribe to the opinions expressed by some commentators about the effects of the Prime Minister`s statement yesterday.

While creating uncertainty in the investment market is unwelcome I believe that the Prime Minister is absolutely right to have injected a greater degree of reality into policy so that what we achieve is, while sticking to our goals, affordable and does not place us at a disadvantage in relation to our global competitors.

Not only was the cut-off date for the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles likely to prove damaging to those on the lowest incomes but it is highly unlikely that the necessary supporting infrastructure will be in place much before 2035. There is then the small matter of the electricity necessary to charge those vehicles for which, other than via carbon fuel generated power, there is as yet no constant and adequate supply. Battery storage is still in its infancy and for many drivers vehicle ranges are woefully inadequate.

My personal view, also, is that we should be concentrating much greater effort on the development of green hydrogen fuels (which are also electricity-intensive but can use surplus wind-generated power) rather than committing ourselves to a solely electric future. At present we are in danger of having too many eggs in one basket and missing out on a potentially huge international market.

It is also the case that the replacement of gas boilers with as yet unproven heat pumps would, if introduced prematurely, have placed an inordinate strain on budgets. The revised timescale for the replacement of carbon fuels with renewable energy sources will allow time for development, a smoother transition and still meet our net-zero commitments.



RAAC Concrete

September 4th 2023

Problems caused through the use of RAAC (concrete) during the construction of Birchington Primary School and King Ethelbert’s Secondary School were identified many months ago. Since that time I have been in contact with both headteacher’s and have met with the Schools Ministers.

I am satisfied that all that can be done has been and is being done to protect the safety of schoolchildren and, through the provision of temporary classrooms, to keep both schools open and teaching maintained not online but in school.

Staff have made a great effort to maintain morale and education and know that I am immediately available should further assistance be required.



Private Jet Travel

July 18th 2023


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Only the NHS

July 16th 2023


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June 29th 2023

With the confirmation, today, of the new parliamentary constituency boundaries I look forward to campaigning in the new Herne Bay and Sandwich seat as the selected candidate for Sandwich, Little Stour and Ashstone and Sturry as well as my wards from the former North Thanet.

I shall be very sad to lose the wonderful and regenerating town of Margate but hope and expect that Craig Mackinlay will pick up where I am leaving off in the newly created East Thanet seat and take the Town Deal forward.



Biodiversity Emergency Declaration

June 28th 2023


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Local Elections 2023

May 4th 2023


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Votes for Life

April 18th 2023


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Tourism Week 17th - 26th March

March 26th 2023


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Manston Airport

March 23rd 2023

A further and disappointing delay at a time when we need to get on with the job.

Manston airport means investment and jobs and opponents need to understand the damage that they are doing to our local and national economy.



Acting Deputy Speaker

February 24th 2023

I am honoured to have been adopted tonight at the selection meeting, to fight the Herne Bay and Sandwich constituency at the next General Election.



Acting Deputy Speaker

February 23rd 2023

The following motion appears on the Commons Order Paper today:-


Penny Mordaunt (Leader of the House)


That, further to the Order of 30 January, paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Order of 19 December 2022 relating to the appointment of Sir Roger Gale as Deputy Speaker and to the exercise of the functions of the Chairman of Ways and Means shall continue to have effect for the remainder of the session.


I shall therefore be subject to the conditions relating to the holder of that office until mid-October 2023.



February 12th 2023


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February 11th 2023


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Manston Airport

January 17th 2023

The judge’s ruling, which I trust will be accepted by all parties to the case, is clear and unequivocal. It will, I believe, clear the way for the massive investment in the re-development of Manston as a freight hub and subsequent passenger airport to commence very soon.

We have waited for a long time for this moment but the future is at last clear - the future of modern aviation is Manston.

I am grateful to all of those who have maintained their confidence in a project that is of great national as well as local importance.



January 9th 2023

Supporting Entain's 'Pitching In' Volunteer programme at Herne Bay's football club on Saturday

Huge opportunities for volunteer stewards, turnstile operators, announcers, and catering staff at The Bay's wonderfully refurbished ground and clubhouse and a great way to get behind our local mens and ladies teams.

Get in touch with the club at the MBS stadium at Winch's Field or visit to find out more.


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