Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Brexit- A Statement
January 9th 2019
The Rt Hon Sir Roger Gale MP
I signed what has become known as the “No Deal” letter because I do not believe that a “No Deal” Brexit is either in the long-term economic and security interests of those that I represent and neither –judging from my mailbag – represent the expressed wish of even most of those who voted to Leave.
I accept that there are some hard-line Brexiteers that would welcome a “cliff edge” exit but that does not appear to reflect the view of the majority that want a clean but negotiated departure from the European Union.
As a Member of Parliament I am not mandated: I am elected to exercise my judgement in the light of the knowledge and facts that are available to me and I shall continue to do precisely that.
At present I am concentrating all of my efforts at on seeking to secure support for the Withdrawal Agreement (and if I was seeking to remain I would not be voting to leave!) as a paving measure that will then allow us to negotiate the trade and other relationships with our former EU partners that still have to be struck. I do not propose to be distracted from that purpose.
If and when- but only when - it becomes apparent, following the “meaningful vote” that the House is not prepared to support the Withdrawal Agreement - and logically all of those Labour, Liberal, Green, SNP and Tory members who signed the “No Deal” letter should vote for the deal on offer – then other considerations will come into play.
What I will not do is back any arrangement that I believe will leave the Country that I have been proud to serve for much of my life weaker either economically or in terms of security. It would not be my generation that would pay the price for such folly but those of our children and grandchildren and that is not a price that I am prepared to condone or support.