Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Herne Bay Golf Course – Proposed Development – Statement prior to Council meeting.
October 19th 2014
“I am most supportive of the Quinn Estates proposals for the re-development of Herne Bay Golf course.
I have studied the plans with care and I believe that these proposals will bring not only employment and much-needed high-quality housing to the Town that I represent but will also create excellent and again sought-after sporting and other facilities of a kind that, were they not supported by a developer, would be unaffordable. These facilities will be of very considerable value to Herne Bay and beyond.
I do not believe that we can, or should, seek to obstruct development for an inordinate amount of time but I also recognise that there are issues that have given rise for concern in some quarters and that need to be addressed.
I would therefore hope that CCC officers will reflect upon their recommendation and, as the proposed development is effectively already contained within the draft local plan, support the granting of the outline consent applied for, conditionally upon a satisfactory resolution of issues relating to potential flooding and other matters, and encourage elected Members to follow this lead. That should allow for real progress to be made in tandem with the consideration of the local plan and of its approval by the Secretary of State. The loss of a potential Grammar School to serve the young people of Herne Bay was disappointing and avoidable: the rejection of an opportunity to acquire first-rate sports facilities for the Town would be inexcusable.”