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Roger Gale with Cole Barnard at the door of Number Ten

Roger Gale re-affirmed as General Election Candidate


March 27th 2009


North Thanet's sitting Conservative MP has this week been re-affirmed as the party's parliamentary candidate for the next General Election which must, by law, be held before July, 2010.

The North Thanet's Association Annual General Meeting, held on Friday at the Hampton Church Hall in Herne Bay, unanimously endorsed the decision taken before an anticipated 2007 General Election, to adopt Roger Gale as the candidate.

Speaking at the meeting Roger Gale said:

"I regard it as a continuing privilege and honour that I have been once again chosen to carry my party's banner forward.

We know that the next Government will be faced with a situation that is tantamount to a scorched earth economy and we know that there will be hard decisions that will have to be taken in the interests of our Country.

The Conservative Party came to the rescue of the United Kingdom in 1979 and we stand ready, willing and able to do so again. We will have to act, first, in the interests of Great Britain and to put all party advantage and doctrine aside if we are to pull our nation back from the brink of bankruptcy but it can be done and we have shown before that we can do it.


We shall commence the process by delivering success in the County and European Elections on June 4th when we will need the support of every patriotic citizen to send a clear message to the present failed administration that it is past its sell-by date.  We shall then present a clear vision, in the context of the circumstances that we face when the election is called, of the way forward.

None of us should take electoral success for granted. We know that we have to win a huge number of additional seats in order to be in a position to form a government.  We are working hard in areas like South Thanet, where Laura Sandys is preparing the ground to serve her constituents, in Dover, where Charlie Elphicke is determined to bring about change for the future, and in the Medway towns where, again, we have a team of candidates ready to play their part in restoring the faith and pride in our nation that has in recent years been squandered.  In the interests of our Country we have to succeed - and with hard work and determination we will".


Roger Gale MP, Jim Nock, OBE, Chairman, North Thanet Conservative Association


Roger Gale, Jim Nock, Sandy Ezekiel, Leader, Thanet District Council

At the meeting James ("Jim") Nock, OBE, former Lord Mayor of Canterbury and Reculver resident, was elected Chairman, with County Councillor Robert Burgess (Westgate) as his political Vice-chairman and Paul Addis, OBE as President. Additionally present at the meeting were Roger Gale's wife and Office Director, Suzy, the Leader of Thanet District Council, Sandy Ezekiel, The Chairman of the South Thanet Conservative Association, Lynne Connolly, many County, City and District Councillors and members of the Association.




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