Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Herne Bay Sailing Club Push the Boat Out Day
May 21st 2016
They day was kicked off by a visit from Sam Roe our local RYA Development Officer followed shortly thereafter by our MP Sir Roger Gale who welcomed ashore two new members who were in the process of taking there RYA Level 1 course.

HBSC signed up 25 temporary members who were each given the opportunity to sail alongside some of our more experienced members. The gusty condition dissuaded a few. They were also given the opportunity to spent sometime in one of the safety boats and all jumped at the chance.
It was felt that a very successful day was had by all despite the tricky wind conditions.
Thanks of course goes to the army of volunteers.
Alistair Russell
Commodore - HBSC