Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Airport Auction “Underscores Gloag`s attitude towards Manston” – MP
July 2nd 2014
North Thanet`s MP, Sir Roger Gale, has this (Wednesday) morning said that the auction of Manston vehicles and equipment “underscores Ms Gloag's attitude towards Manston and her contempt for public opinion”.
Far from weakening the case for the reopening the airport, however, North Thanet`s MP has said:
“This will simply strengthen the determination of Manston`s supporters, the District Council, Members of Parliament and, of course, the prospective purchasers, to buy the airfield and to get planes flying again. Much of what is on sale is past its best and any new operator would be looking to replace and refresh equipment more suited to the tasks generated by the new business that Manston will attract. The Transport Select Committee`s planned inquiry into regional airports will offer a political opportunity to air the true facts surrounding what I regard as the temporary closure of Manston and in due course I shall also be seeking a further adjournment debate. The inquiry that a Compulsory Purchase Order will almost certainly generate will additionally offer the chance to get the facts on the record and to expose the manner in which potential business opportunities have been squandered”.