Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Rules for Foreign Students - Government hitting the wrong target
February 10th 2010
North Thanet`s MP, Roger Gale, has today (10th February) accused the Government of hitting the wrong target in announcing controls over foreign students.
The new regime, announced this morning by Home Secretary Alan Johnson (having been heavily trailed at the weekend) will place demands for a higher standard of English upon students wishing to study in the UK.
"After nearly thirteen years of failure to control immigration" says Roger Gale "the Government is now seeking to appear tough in the run-up to the general election.
The Home Secretary has ignored cross-party warnings that his proposals will damage the interests of Language Schools, Further Education Colleges and Universities while doing nothing to address the real problem which is illegal immigration and economic migration under the guise of seeking asylum.
We know that Kent educational establishments are already suffering as agents placing students are choosing other locations than the UK because of the uncertain nature of our political environment and at the University of Kent Court AGM a week ago it was made plain by the faculty that our Higher Education establishments also fear a loss of students as a direct result of government policy.
We need to control immigration, certainly. We also need to remember that foreign students are worth a great deal to our economy both in the short term and in the longer term as graduates return to do business in Britain"