Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

MP Praises Coaches
North Thanet MP Roger Gale has spoken of his admiration for the devotion and hard work of coaches at Herne Bay Roller Hockey Club.
He visited the club after receiving a letter from sports coach UK offering him the chance to see coaches at work in his area. He heard how the provision of high-quality coaching is essential in developing and sustaining participation as well as encouraging successful performances.
Gale said: “The effort put into sports clubs by voluntary coaches is invaluable. Without the dedication, time and personal commitment that coaches give, many young sports men and women would be denied great opportunities.

“We owe them all a massive debt of gratitude.”
Club Development Coach, Robin Cathcart heads up the coaches at Herne Bay and encourages the older players to help the younger ones.
He explained: “The more we involve other players the more able we are to provide on- to-one coaching should they need it.”
Kent Sport Coaching is working to assist sports in extending their offer to coaches. A range of courses are offered across the county, with more being developed as part of the coaching network. Coaches can also sign up to register and receive regular communications about coaching in Kent.