Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Roger Gale calls for improved support for pupils with health conditions
May 6th 2009
North Thanet`s MP, Roger Gale yesterday accompanied five children with a range of health conditions as they delivered boxes of letters to 10 Downing Street asking Gordon Brown to improve support for them at school.
To tackle this issue, Jim Cunningham MP is putting forward the Schools (Health Support) Bill which is due to have its second reading in Parliament this Friday (8 May).
There are MPs of all parties supporting the Bill.
Following the visit to Downing Street Roger Gale said:
“It is appalling that some children with health conditions are not receiving the support they need to manage their condition at school. This can have a devastating impact on them for the rest of their lives. All children must have equal access to a full education.”
Douglas Smallwood, Chief Executive of leading health charity Diabetes UK, added: “A lack of training and support for school staff means that pupils’ medical needs are not always met and they miss out academically and socially. We are calling for as many MPs as possible to support the Schools (Health Support) Bill and make a real difference to these pupils’ quality of life.”
The health and education of many of the estimated one million children and young people with health conditions in England could be at risk because pupils do not always receive adequate support to manage their condition at school and are not being fully included in lessons and activities.
A lack of training and support for school staff means that children and young people’s medical needs are not always met and they miss out academically and socially. To address the issue, schools, primary care trusts and local authorities must work together.
The Schools (Health Support) Bill aims to ensure:
· Schools are required to produce and implement medical conditions policies – in line with current guidance and best practice
· School staff receive appropriate support and training to support children with health conditions
· NHS bodies, local authorities and primary care trusts help schools fulfil their responsibilities
· School inspections also look at how a school supports children with health conditions
· Every child with a health condition has an individual healthcare plan

Roger Gale with Cole Barnard at the door of Number Ten

In this photo:
CLIC Sargent, Sophia Loizia, 17, in remission from cancer of the lymphatic system
Diabetes UK, Cole Barnard, 6, has Type 1 diabetes
Scope, David Reynolds, 13, has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Sickle Cell & Young Stroke Survivors, Daniel Nwosu, 12, has suffered strokes and a brain haemorrhage
YoungMinds, Rhiannon Godden, 16, has depression
North Thanet`s MP, Roger Gale yesterday accompanied five children with a range of health conditions as they delivered boxes of letters to 10 Downing Street asking Gordon Brown to improve support for them at school.
To tackle this issue, Jim Cunningham MP is putting forward the Schools (Health Support) Bill which is due to have its second reading in Parliament this Friday (8 May).
Charities supporting the Bill include The Anaphylaxis Campaign, Asthma UK, British Heart Foundation, Children and Young People's HIV Network, CLIC Sargent, Coeliac UK, Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Diabetes UK, Epilepsy Action, INPUT, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, MS Society, National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy (NCYPE), National Voices, Royal College of Nursing, TreeHouse, Scope, Sickle Cell and Young Stroke Survivors (SCYSS), Stroke Association, UK Children with Diabetes Advocacy Group, Vision 2020 UK, Young Minds.
More information
For more information please contact
Roger Gale, 07623-978479