Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Sir Roger Gale MP supports animal welfare commitments for general election
March 3rd 2015
The MP for North Thanet this week gave his support to the launch of the League Against Cruel Sports General Election Manifesto.

Peter Stevens photography 2015
The Manifesto, which was launched at the House of Commons, included 5 commitments on animal welfare;
To defend and strengthen the Hunting Act, the most successful piece of wild animal welfare legislation in England and Wales – a law that is supported by 80 per cent of the British public.
To ban the use of snares which are cruel and unnecessary and trap many unintended species.
To conduct an independent inquiry into the commercial shooting industry to stop cruelty, improve animal welfare and end industry practices that damage our environment and drain the public purse.
To take tough action to deal with illegal dog fighting and provide the resources our Police, local authorities, education system and communities need to tackle this growing problem.
To protect racing greyhounds by fully implementing specific and long overdue recommendations for fundamental reform of the dog racing industry.
Sir Roger said
“We are a nation of animal lovers. We have a well deserved international reputation for compassion for animals and we have a strong and abiding hatred of cruelty.
“I am a life member of the League Against Cruel Sports and I believe animals matter in the forthcoming general election campaign. That is why I will continue to support measures to expose and end cruelty in the name of sport.”