Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Dreamland – Gale welcomes Secretary of State`s decision
August 18th 2012
North Thanet`s MP, Sir Roger Gale, has welcomed the decision, taken by the Secretary of State for Local Government ( Eric Pickles) to give the go-ahead to Thanet Council to compulsorily purchase part of the Dreamland site for preservation as a Heritage Amusement Park.
The MP, who earlier this month wrote to the Secretary of State urging an swift and positive decision, says:
“For far too long the semi-derelict former Dreamland site has been allowed to blight Margate seafront. We have been blessed with the Turner Contemporary at one end of the bay and cursed with an eyesore at the other. I trust that Thanet Council will now take robust and immediate action to secure the necessary support and funding to bring about the restoration of the Scenic Railway and the development of the seaward sector of the site as the working Heritage Amusement Park that so many of us wish to see brought to fruition.
Nobody should be under any illusion that, particularly in the economic climate that has been bequeathed to us, this will be an easy task but I am more than willing to give my full support to the Chief Executive of TDC and her team to help to get the project moving as swiftly as possible”