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North Thanet MP supports animal protection coalition 


March 15th 2010

Conservative MP Roger Gale joined MPs and candidates from all parties at the Vote Cruelty Free parliamentary reception held in the House of Commons.
The reception was held to bring together organisations, individuals and candidates from across the political spectrum to show the level of interest in animal issues.
Guests at the event held on 8th March heard from Roger Gale MP on Conservative policies on animal protection and speakers from the Liberal Democrat and Green parties outlined their parties’ policies. Animal Welfare Minister Jim Fitzpatrick also spoke on Labour’s record in government.
Roger Gale MP said, “I believe that it is right to press the animal welfare case in the run-up to the general Election and I am pleased that so many organizations have joined together to add collective weight to the Cruelty Free cause”
A Vote Cruelty Free spokesperson said, “We are delighted that Roger Gale MP has lent his support to Vote Cruelty Free. Animal protection is an issue that really matters to the public but this is often not reflected in current political debate. Vote Cruelty Free believes that bringing the animal protection movement together and working directly with candidates and elected officials is an effective way to achieve positive change for animals – and the guests at our event wholeheartedly agreed.”
Vote Cruelty Free comprises the BUAV, Compassion in World Farming, IFAW in Action and Respect for Animals.  It covers a broad range of animal protection issues including wild and marine animals, animal experimentation, hunting, the fur trade and farming.




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