Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

North Thanet MP helps put MS on the Map
Roger Gale, MP for North Thanet helped put multiple sclerosis (MS) on the map last week when he attended a reception hosted by the MS Society in the Houses of Parliament to launch the start of MS Week.
‘Putting MS on the Map’ is the theme for the national awareness week – helping to raise awareness and understanding of the neurological condition across the UK.
Roger said: “There are many people living with multiple sclerosis in my constituency, including within my family, and so MS Week offers a good opportunity to raise awareness of the condition and how it affects people’s lives. I’m putting MS on the Map because I want people to have fair access to the treatments and the welfare and social care support they need.”
As part of MS Week the MS Society will be launching the MS Register – a new research tool which will be able to identify how many people have MS, the symptoms they have and how the condition affects their daily lives. People with MS can join the MS Register online by going to