Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Gale calls for greater recognition for the UK`s six million carers.
May 20th 2010
Roger Gale has teamed up with GMTV news reporter and presenter John Stapleton to support this year`s Carers Week (14-20 June) and to celebrate the contribution made by people in North Thanet/Herne Bay and throughout the UK who provide unpaid care for someone who is ill, frail or disabled.
The theme of Carers Week is `A life of my own` with calls for greater understanding and support for the army of carers who provide vital support for their families, friends and communities. In doing so many sacrifice the quality of their own lives, unable to do the little things that most of us take for granted. All too often these unsung heroes also suffer ill health.
Roger met up with John Stapleton at the House of Commons where our newly re-elected MP said:
"A trip to the cinema, or even a full night`s sleep - these are luxuries for many thousands of carers who, without adequate support and respite can effectively be housebound themselves. I am supporting Carers Week to raise awareness of the priceless contribution that local carers of all ages make to our community. Even in a time of severe financial constraint we must recognise the value of their service and consider the cost to the Country that would be incurred without their tireless efforts".

Roger with John Stapleton
John Stapleton, who has cared for both his wife and his Mother added:
"Working without pay and often with very little recognition - many carers give up their lives as they once knew them but never give up on caring. They are not the forgotten few but the forgotten millions. This Carers Week let`s speak up for carers - let`s not leave them isolated and lonely, financially, physically and emotionally broke. Let`s start caring for the carers and give them back a life of their own".