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Party Time - A family tradition to get Margate celebrating




The opening, on Friday, of Melissa Wong`s  new shop, "Party Time"  in Margate`s lower High Street, marks the continuation of a family tradition.
Mel`s mother had card shops in Margate and Ramsgate before selling up and re-locating to Faversham and Sheerness.  Now Mel and her partner, Terry Beer, have taken the opportunity to move back into Margate with their little store selling Birthday, Wedding and All-purpose party decorations, balloons and cards.


"Terry and I have great faith in Margate" says Mel.  "I was sorry when mum moved out and we think that the time is right for small businesses like our to take the opportunity of empty properties and to open up before the "Turner effect" puts these premises out of reach.  We are a niche business with a lot of fun products and we are already attracting a lot of interest as a one-stop shop for party-makers."


Formally declaring the shop open the Town`s MP, Roger Gale, said:
"Only a couple of weeks ago I wrote that I thought that now was the time for enterprising businessmen and women to snap up the shops available in Margate`s lower High Street and I am very pleased that Mel and Terry have taken up the challenge and put their energy and their effort into this enterprise.  They deserve to do well and I hope and expect that others will follow and help to inject new life into the area as the opening of the Turner Centre draws ever closer.  I am quite certain that this is a place where people will want to be" 


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01843 848588

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