Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

East Kent – “Olympic tourist destination of choice” – MP
November 5th 2010
East Kent is poised to become the Olympic tourist destination of choice says North Thanet`s MP, Roger Gale.
Speaking following the publication of a report that lists the East of the County as one of the world`s top ten destinations the MP said:
“For far too long people have sneered at the traditional English seaside: there has been an attitude of domestic snobbery coupled with a need to brag about the far-flung holiday resorts that we have visited.
But the travel experts are now saying what we have been saying for a long time: from Whitstable through Herne Bay, Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate round to Sandwich and beyond to Deal and Dover we have a huge amount to offer: our heritage is second to none, we have a fabulous coastline and good food ranging from basic fish and chips through to gourmet dining. As important, we know how to make people welcome.
We know that there will be a huge influx of visitors in 2012 and we have to be ready for them. Herne Bay is now competing with Whitstable as a classic seaside venue and by the time that the Olympic visitors arrive Margate`s Turner Contemporary, which is set to become the newest jewel in East Kent`s crown, will be open and running and I remain convinced that that will have a huge regenerative effect upon Margate.
We really do have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to put ourselves back at the top of the charts for destination holidays and we have to seize that opportunity. All of East Kent`s MPs are working hard with the County Council and with our City and District Councils to deliver the right package to encourage people to visit for the first time and then to come back and back. We need to make sure that this is not a twelve-days wonder but a long-term revival of our fortunes”