Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Rail Fares – Rise A Disgrace – MP
November 23rd 2010
North Thanet`s MP, Roger Gale, has today (Tuesday) described as “an absolute disgrace” Southeastern Trains swingeing 12.8% increase in fares on the East Kent services.
“So far as I am concerned they can kiss goodbye to any thought of a franchise renewal” says the MP. “For the fourth year running my constituents will be paying more for less.
Network Rail`s “upgrading” of signalling and point is way behind schedule and no improvements are as yet planned for the line between Ashford and Thanet. Southeastern’s “fast link” is a bad joke so far as commuters are concerned as door-to-door journey times now take longer and cost more than ever.
Why should people have to pay to subsidise a service that does not serve their needs?
East Kent hosts the highest levels of social deprivation in the South East and some of the highest in the country and yet while affluent Brighton gets away with a 7% increase we find our travellers paying RPI plus 3% plus a further 6%. That is wholly unacceptable. We are living in Dick Turpin territory.”