Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Cannabis Seed – MP Questions Home Secretary
June 4th 2013
North Thanet`s MP, Sir Roger Gale has taken up the case of the sale of cannabis seed with the Home Secretary.
In a written question appearing on the parliamentary order paper today (Thursday) for answer on Tuesday 9th July , Sir Roger has asked Theresa May:
“If she will bring forward legislative proposals to make over-the-counter sales of cannabis seed illegal: and if she will make a statement”.
Commenting on the question Sir Roger says: “Since this issue was drawn to my attention it has become clear that this is not an isolated instance but that cannabis seed is fairly readily available through a number of outlets, and is at present sold perfectly legally. It has to be a nonsense that we are seeking to stamp out the illegal cultivation of cannabis plants while at the same time permitting the sale of the very seed that makes that cultivation possible. I am sure that the issue is more complex than might appear to be the case at face value but I cannot believe that it is beyond the reach of legislation to make sales illegal while still protecting any necessary market”.