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Thanet Tories call for General Election 


May 19th 2009


Give the people their say to restore trust in Parliament
Sign petition to call for an election


Roger Gale and Laura Sandys are calling for Parliament to be dissolved and for a general election  to be held  and  are  asking   people of all political persuasions to support a petition that urges Gordon Brown to dissolve Parliament and give the  electorate a say immediately about  the future of  their elected representatives. 

“This is not about party politics – this is about our British Democracy.  This current Parliament no longer has the confidence of the public.  We need to put every sitting MP and our records to the people,” says   North Thanet’s MP, Roger Gale. 

David Cameron has said “This political crisis has been caused by the politicians, so I don't think the politicians alone can solve it.  The public have got to be involved.”  He also recognises that by having a general election the public will reject Conservative as well as Labour MPs.


“This call for an election is not a partisan request.  It is about restoring the trust and dignity that the Mother of all Parliament’s must recapture and it is only through a general election that Parliament will be able to address the significant troubles that our democracy and country face with the confidence of the people,” says South Thanet’s Conservative,   Laura Sandys .

The Petition states that …

We, the undersigned, believe that the best way to sort out the problems facing Britain and to restore trust in our political system is for a dissolution of Parliament and a general election so that people can pass their verdict on MPs’ behaviour at the ballot box.


Please go to to sign the petition
(paper copies of this petition are also available on request)


For further information please contact  
Roger Gale MP  07774-841557
Laura Sandys 07980 595861


Laura Sandys and Roger Gale

Connect with Roger

01843 848588

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