Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Gale's View - 20/12/2017
December 20th 2017
I attended, earlier this week, the annual parliamentary reception held by the Samaritans. The Minister speaking, Jackie Doyle- Price, a no-nonsense down-to-earth Essex girl, reminded those present that while Christmas is, for most of us, a time of great joy and family gathering it is also, for a mercifully few but important people, a time when misery can be piled upon despair with disastrous and potentially fatal consequences.
Jackie`s words struck home because one of my friends has, very recently, lost a daughter to suicide. Learning of the death of one`s child has to be every loving parent`s worst nightmare and I can only begin to try to comprehend the depth of depression that leads a young, or any, person to take their own life.
The message from this gathering of Samaritans was, though, positive. “We are here. Use us if you need us”. The Minister rightly thanked this modest army of mostly unsung volunteers for the dedication and work that saves many from self-destruction. Just having someone to talk to, we were reminded, can literally make the difference between life and death.
At the reception we were asked to sign a pledge to promote the cause of those who are prepared to listen to other people`s heartbreaks so let me do just that: The Samaritans are highly trained but in our own way we can all be there when needed. If you know someone who`s mind is in a dark place get alongside them this Christmas and just let them know that you are there. Forgive the sermon but I have got the message and I want to pass it on.
With very best wishes from Suzy and myself for Christmas and for a healthy and a peaceful New Year.
Sir Roger Gale MP
Herne Bay, North Thanet & the Villages