Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Live the Dream(land) – Margate owes a debt to “Team Kemsley” – MP
June 20th 2015
North Thanet`s MP, Sir Roger Gale, has said that Margate owes a debt of gratitude to “Team Kemsley” for their commitment to the re-opening of Dreamland as a heritage amusement park.
Speaking at the Park on Friday evening the MP said:
“It is only a few months since I paddled around a freezing and derelict park in the November rain in wellington boots and thought that it would take a miracle for the site to be ready to open in time for the summer season. The aircraft hangar was stripped bare, the paint was peeling, there were potholes full of water everywhere and outside it was bleak beyond belief.

Roger at Dreamland
Eddie Kemsley and her team of professionals and very dedicated volunteers have worked that miracle and breathed life back into one of Britain`s foremost seaside attractions.
Of course there is still much work to do. There are more units and facilities to be opened, additional rides to be commissioned and then the re-launch of the Scenic Railway to look forward to but there is already so much for the Town and for visitors to enjoy. `Breathtaking` is the word that springs to mind. The opening night, complete as it was with Chas `n Dave, was an exhilarating and immensely happy experience for the thousands who were lucky enough to attend. This is another very significant step forward in the regeneration of Margate that is on a par with and complementary to the Turner Contemporary”.
The MP then added :
“The other good news is that the Leader of Kent County Council once opined that the Dreamland Heritage project would never be brought to fruition. He was wrong about Dreamland and I hope and believe that he will be proved wrong about Manston Airport as well! I want to see the day when visitors from mainland Europe can fly direct from their own local regional airports to Manston and to spend weekend breaks visiting Dreamland and the Turn er Contemporary, staying in our excellent hotels and eating in the growing number of first-class restaurants throughout Thanet”.