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Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

Naming Freddie
October 5th 2019

At the naming of Margate’s new inshore lifeboat , The Alfred Alexander Staden, ( “ The Freddie “) Sir Roger formally thanked Freddie Standen’s wife, Hope, for the family’s generosity in making the bequest .
He also paid tribute to the people who man the boats “ and the families left on shore praying that they and those they go out to rescue will always return home safely “.
North Thanet’s MP also stressed the need to “ get the new boathouse built to guarantee the future of this vital service”
“ we owe a huge debt of gratuitous our lifeboat crews” said Sir Roger “ and we need to make sure that they have the best facilities - boats and accommodation- that we can provide”.

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