Sir Roger Gale
Member of Parliament for Herne Bay and Sandwich (including West Thanet)

MP Backs Marathon Man
January 18th 2017
North Thanet`s MP, Sir Roger Gale, is backing Birchington resident Gavin Adams in his bid to raise funds for Children With Cancer UK in the London Marathon on 23rd April (St. George`s Day)
Twenty-nine year old Gavin is currently rising at 4.30 to run for five or six miles before catching his terrain to work, getting home at around seven and then putting in another couple of hours in training.
Commenting on Gavin`s efforts Sir Roger says:
“There are lots of worthwhile causes to back in the Marathon and I hope everyone not running will get behind one of them. The Children with Cancer cause has attracted my particular attention this year and I want Gavin to do really well and to raise the largest sum possible in recognition of the huge effort that he is making to train while at the same time doing a full day`s commuting and work”
Roger is one of few people who saw Gavin`s wife, Victoria, before she was born! Vicky`s Mother was the first person in Kent to have an ultrasound scan at the QEQM hospital in February 1985 and Roger, who was visiting the hospital to see the equipment was invited by Julie (Vicky`s mother) to stay and see the pictures of her unborn daughter. Another reason why he is supporting Gavin.