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Places of Worships


November 2nd 2020


As a practising Christian (and as a member of the Ecclesiastical committee) I understand and appreciate the concern expressed about the use of places of worship. This is important at any time of the year and for Christians particularly so in the run-up to and through the celebration of Christmas.


Not only churches but mosques, synagogues and temples have all made a real effort t secure the safety and social distancing of worshippers and will, I know, continue to make a real effort to meet the spiritual needs of those who choose to use their services, whether `virtually` or `live`. Those of us in the House will, in turn, use our best endeavours to seek to ensure that we return to some sense of normality as swiftly as possible. In the meantime, it is vital that we play by the rules to protect life and health and as a community to look after not only our own families but those around us.


We know that we face some difficult and dangerous weeks ahead and that many people will be confronted with circumstances and challenges that will be hard to bear. I and my small team will do all that is in our power to assist in the knowledge that we will come through these dark days if we all pull together. Please call if you or someone that you know needs help: we cannot protect every job and we cannot solve every problem but I shall, as I have done since March 24th, work seven days a week to try to make sure that people know what assistance may be available to them and where to turn to for it.


Connect with Roger

01843 848588

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