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Image by Tim Mossholder

Press Releases 2025

Roger regularly issues press releases about current topics. We have included a selection of them here which we hope will be of interest to you.


2nd March 2025


Whatever my criticism of Sir Kier Starmer’s domestic policy - and they are many - I believe that in the Leadership that he has shown and the progress that with European leaders he has made over the crisis in matters relating to Ukraine he deserves the united support of the House of Commons. I know that in this he has the backing of the Leader of the Opposition as he will have mine in seeking to achieve ‘a coalition of the willing’.

I trust that that will include the United States of America.

I have, however, very grave doubts that any sustainable peace agreement on grounds that do not include the surrender of Ukrainian territory that Ursula Von Der Leyen has rightly described as unacceptable is achievable. My own dealings with the Russians as Leader of the UK delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe tell me that under Putin no agreement is likely to be worth the paper that it is written on - and the White House would be naive to believe otherwise of any such agreement without the backing of a military guarantee.


Image by Max Kukurudziak

28th February 2025


President Zelensky has raw courage and determination. Mr Trump has revealed himself once again to be a bully a narcissist and an egotist, self-interest as a Nobel prizewinning ‘peacemaker’ Trump the ‘deal maker’ has shown no understanding of history or of Putin’s flagrant breach of any international agreement that he has entered into.

As the Leader of the United Kingdom delegation to and briefly President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe I have had dealings at first hand with Putin’s apologists. They never have been, never can be and never will be trusted to keep their word.

That is why I said in the House last week that Ukraine is not for sale and that this is not a transaction. Trump does not appear to understand and may be incapable of understanding that Not everyone has a price.

Time to withdraw His Majesty’s invitation to a State Visit to the United Kingdom?



27th February 2025


I was proud to have been, with my late friend David Amess, one of the supporters of what became the Hunting Act that came into force on 18th February 2005.

Twenty years on it is clear that there are flaws in the legislation that allow those who wish to play the system to drive a horse and hounds through the spirit of the law.

That is why, at the risk of absorbing even more of the parliamentary time of which this issue has had a great deal, I believe that the time has come for the act to be revisited and strengthened.



26th February 2025


Think of war graves and rows of white crosses in the cemeteries of Northern France and elsewhere in Europe spring to mind.

So an informative briefing from staff and volunteers of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission was a timely reminder that the fallen men and women of two World Wars lie not only in foreign fields but in graveyards in Herne Bay, Sandwich, Margate and throughout the country.

Those graves are lovingly tended by a small staff that includes Sarah Nathaniel, Jennifer Allen and Lizzie Shipton and dedicated volunteers like Trudi and Tom (all pictured).



26th February 2025


Today marks the third anniversary of Russia's unprovoked and illegal invasion of Ukraine.

As one who has worked very closely in support of Ukraine - Suzy and I have five Ukrainian refugee 'grandchildren’ - I condemn utterly any proposals for capitulation or ‘settlement’ of Putin’s illegal war against Ukraine without the full involvement of and agreement with the government and people of Ukraine. ‘Peace at any price’ is not an option that can or should be on the table.

Ukraine is fighting not only for its own sovereignty but for the democracy of the free world - and we all, including the United States of America - need to remember that and to give the people of Ukraine our unqualified and full support.


Image by Library of Congress

14th February 2025


It would appear that Trump’s administration has either forgotten or is too young to remember the Soviet invasion of Hungary (1956) or the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia (1968) and is prepared to treat Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine (2014) as a ‘transactional’ negotiation.

While we were awaiting the belated support of the United States, for which we paid for many years, during the Second World War, we stood alone against the Nazis: I trust that Trump - personally - will consider his position in respect of China and Taiwan.

Does Trump have to await a second Pearl Harbour before abandoning his parochial approach to 'foreign policy’? Or will he listen to the wider counsel of those if his relatively few supporters who have passports and abandon politics by social media and begin to understand that at least on this side of the Atlantic there are some who regard his approach as less than ‘brave’ and merely the naive populist utterances of a man who cannot bear to be not making headlines.



14th February 2025


It has got to be at least twenty five years since I published ’Pets and Housing’ compiled by Professor Anne McBride of Southampton University. The report highlighted the urgent need for a better understanding. On the part of social landlords, of the housing needs of pet owners.

For many, and particularly the elderly, companion animals are literally a lifeline but in the intervening years and under successive governments the situation has become worse not better.

I therefore welcome the Dogs Trust initiative in placing this subject back in the agenda.



11th February 2025


An interesting briefing from the Environment Agency demonstrating the new flood prediction tool that they are using.

At present the flood risk in most of Herne Bay and Sandwich appears to be low but looking longer term the picture is less attractive.

I have registered with the EA in order to receive out-of-hours notice of any likely ‘significant flood incidents’ in my constituency.



10th February 2025

Preston Summerfest: A Community-Led Family Friendly Festival Supporting Local Charities


Preston Summerfest, a family-friendly music festival in the heart of Kent, returns over the August bank holiday weekend (22-24 August 2025) with a great lineup of live music, top DJs, and a powerful cause at its core. Taking place in the village of Preston, near Canterbury, this unique festival is run entirely by volunteers, with all profits supporting three important local causes: Demelza, Pilgrims Hospices, and Preston Primary School.

This year’s programme will star Toploader, best known for their hit songs Dancing in the Moonlight and Achilles Heel, The Petebox, the incredibly talented musician from The Voice, legendary DJ Graham Gold, and a host of other sensational  bands and DJs including Hullaballoo and Shiva.

A particularly special performance will come from Certified Madness, a leading Madness tribute act whose lead singer, Barry Goodsell, has a deeply personal connection to Demelza House.

Barry’s daughter Caitlin was supported by the charity throughout her life. Born with congenital heart disease, Caitlin faced immense challenges, including multiple heart surgeries and two strokes, but never let her disabilities define her. Demelza provided vital respite care, counselling, and a place where Caitlin felt safe and happy. Performing at Preston Summerfest is Barry’s way of honouring her memory and giving back to the charity that meant so much to his family.

“This festival is about more than just great music—it’s about community, coming together, and making a difference,” said Event Manager Josie Leicester. “We wanted to make the event as affordable and accessible as possible while still raising vital funds for charity, which is why early bird weekend tickets (Friday evening and all day Saturday and Sunday) are just £25 plus booking fee for adults, £10 plus booking fee for teenagers, and free for children under 12.”

In keeping with the festival’s community-first ethos, the bar will be run by Ash Rugby Club, with profits split between our supported charities and their impressive  grassroots club. This ensures that every aspect of the festival gives back, supporting local causes and bringing people together for a weekend of music, fun, and community spirit.

Preston Summerfest is a true community-led event, run by local residents and spearheaded by Preston Parish Council—a rare example of a local authority leading a major music festival. It has also received  very strong support from local MP Sir Roger Gale.

With fantastic music, a welcoming atmosphere, and a commitment to giving back, Preston Summerfest is set to be a highlight of the summer season.

For full details, ticket information, and the complete lineup, visit



Event Manager: Tommy

Tel: 07736 300338




8th February 2025


Another packed Saturday event - this week the Kent Conservatives County conference.

A rousing keynote speech from our last Home Secretary, James Cleverly, a chance to meet old friends Craig Mackinlay, Tracey Crouch and Greg Clark, all of whom retired at the last election, in conversation with Iain Dale, a personal message of support from Kemi Badenoch for our candidate in Herne and Broomfield, Grace Paget (election day Thursday 6th March) and the opportunity to welcome a new generation of young members.

Also a gathering of our County Council election candidates led by Roger Gough. An invigorating occasion - just like old times!


5th February 2025

I have been a supporter of hydrogen powered aviation since the prospect of carbon free fuel was conceived.

Hydrogen electric aircraft will be in our skies by the end of the decade. With the total re-development of Manston Airport at the planning stage and a wind farm just off the Thanet coast we have a unique opportunity to design in hydrogen aviation facilities from the very beginning.

The prospect of a net zero carbon airfield flying the cleanest and quietest aeroplanes in the world is truly exciting - and I intend to live to see it!


Image by Alexander Shatov

4th February 2025

A predictably evasive answer to my question from the Secretary of State for Energy, Ed Miliband. How much longer are we going to subsidise the felling of forests in Canada to create ‘pellets’ to ship across the Atlantic to be burned to generate environmentally unacceptable power? Rumour in Westminster suggests that this might even get the further go-ahead this week. I hope that rumour is ill-founded.


Watch here


Image by Alexander Shatov

31st January 2025

Following Ministerial support for Manston in response to my question to the aviation minister, Mike Kane earlier in the week I was pleased to receive this additional encouragement from The Leader of the House of Commons during Business Questions today.

Also pleased to see that at least one senior member of the Government is taking the possibly illegal claims for taxpayers money to support the environmentally unsustainable burning of wood pellets imported from Canada by the Drax power station. A harsh parliamentary light needs to be shined into this dark corner.


Watch here


Image by Alexander Shatov

28th January 2025

In Urgent Questions today on the expansion of Heathrow. I asked the Parliamentary Under-Secretary (Department for Transport) whether he recognises Manston Airport as an opportunity for economic growth.

With the Development Consent Order approved and welcome Ministerial support it should now be ’all systems go’.


Watch here


Image by Alexander Shatov

26th January 2025

On Friday 24th January I spoke as a sponsor for the, Climate and Nature Bill.

Below are the highlights of my speech


Watch here



23rd January 2025

All Members of Parliament represent autistic constituents but the statistics are stark. There are over 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK and it is estimated that at the end of last year more than 200,000 people were waiting for an assessment.

The impact upon families, as those of us who try to assist in these cases know only too well, can be devastating. The launch of the National Autistic Society’s report ‘A Constant Fight’ sets out the need and possible solutions very clearly.

There is a considerable cost to improvement. There is a still greater cost to inaction. The work of the last government in this area needs to be continued and enhanced.


Image by Alexander Shatov

22nd January 2025

On Friday 17th January I spoke on the “New Homes (Solar Generation) Bill” - A Bill to require the installation of solar photovoltaic generation equipment on new homes; to set minimum standards for compliance with that requirement; and for connected purposes.

The below video is some of the highlights from my speech in which I outlined:

- How we must find better ways to put solar panels on our publicly owned buildings and car parks to stop solar panels being put all over our agricultural land.

- The Bill currently has loopholes in that will need to be addressed at Committee Stage.

- In my constituency there are new builds that have gone up and the developers have found “wriggle-room” to not install EV charging points.

- We should also be looking at grey water systems as this water is currently going to waste and due to the amount of land that has tarmac covering it that water can’t replenish the aquifers.

- We should be using solar tiles that won’t be an eyesore on listed buildings and allow for old buildings to be more energy efficient.


Watch here


Image by Alexander Shatov

21st January 2025

Yesterday I ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care:

1. Before the calling of the General Election the government made it clear they intended to spend £25million on the reconstruction of the QEQM Maternity Unit - following the Dr Bill Kirkup Report - will this government make the funding available?

2. How the government is going to ensure secondary healthcare meets the needs of the people that are going to live in the 1.5 million homes the Deputy Prime Minister wants to see built?


Watch here


Image by Alexander Shatov

17th January 2025

Today I asked the Home Secretary during her statement on the government-backed local grooming gangs inquiries, why:

1. She is so resistant to a broad based national inquiry rather than a very narrow five town inquiry?

2. She is so resistant to the statutory measures that will allow that inquiry to compel witnesses and evidence?


Watch here


Image by Alexander Shatov

8th January 2025

Today I asked the Prime Minister why, during his time as Public Prosecutor, he declined to instigate a prosecution for rape and sexual abuse against Mohamed Fayed.


Watch here


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